Modern Day Mystery School
Virtual Online Workshop
Energy Exchange
~ Unearth the unknown and bring it into the light of your conscious awareness to embody your awakening Truth. ~
We were born for these times. WithDevi Earth Magicyou get the knowledge and mystical tools to learn how to change your deepest fear into freedom. While transformation can be a confusing process, it’s made easier when you have help to guide you while deepening your relationship to Divinity.
Devi in Sanskrit means Divine Mother Goddess. Earth is our body form where we live. Magic is who we are when we combine them together in a mystery school that teaches you how to expand your awareness into higher Truth and embody your awakening. This balancing act is what we came onto the planet to do. In three days of training, you’re attuned to access Divine energies and harness the magic. You’re given a key, vibrational tools and taught to guide yourself as your own spiritual navigator. From the inexperienced to the most seasoned traveler, Devi Earth Magic fits every path along the journey. You’re working on dimensional levels, learning to optimize your own transformational shift.
Devi Earth Magicaccess’s high frequency energy with the exact information to enhance, amplify and balance your evolutionary process. Through initiation, transmission, downloads, meditation, attunements, teaching, and an interactive group process, you'll leave with workable tools and the knowledge on how to use them to change your life for the better.
Imagine relaxing in a magical healing pool and feeling the tension drain away. If your exhausted and tired, you can strengthen weak energies to better navigate a tumultuous and chaotic world. Feeling frustrated? With Devi Earth Magicyou’ll be able to clear those hard to reach emotional blocks while aligning with new patterns of coherence in support of peace, love and harmony. This weekend virtual group is for professional healers to anyone interested in developing their own magical abilities. The accessibility of this potent vibrational is especially good for safety and protection issues or for those desiring to connect to a nurturing compassionate creative force. It’s a vehicle for you to unweave the untruth of your ‘conditioned separation patterns’ and open into the freedom of Truth as an agent of transformational change. The more you use it, the more it balances and deepens your process and helps you embody (live) your spiritual path.
If you've participated in Multi Dimensional Healing Energy Immersion's OR Transformation Sessions, you've experienced the potent and lasting benefits of Devi energies. Now, here's your chance to learn it for your own practice. All you’ll need is a clear quartz crystal to attend.
In this foundational class, you’ll learn to access the following application rooms filled with vibrational intention:
Aligning with Truth has a distinctive advantage. It builds your relationship to the Divinity inside of you and with continuous use, it helps you remove hard to reach blocks — the blind spots and shadow sides of negative patterns that no longer serve you. Truth deepens trust and surrender to the sacred, formless and timeless aspects of your higher Self.
The Devi mission is to manifest your potential by offering you an energetic guide to balance the often confusing path of transformation awakening within you.
Change is uncomfortable. But the purpose of Devi Earth Magicis to transform our relationship to the paradox of dark and light — to recognize its true value is found through the magic of awakening to the mystery. This is the work we were born to do.
The seeds of Devi Earth Magic are the blossomIng of an awakening evolution. It isn't just for personal transformation, its tools to help the collective conditioning shift through you and as you. When you recognize your oneness and transform your history, it impacts the entire planet.
Together, we CAN change the world.

2nd Level
~ Health & Partner Healing ~
Prerequisite is Devi Earth Magic School, Foundational course
VIRTUAL ONLINE - or limited in person at ARC Retreat Center in Cambridge, MN
In part two of Devi Earth Magic School you’ll receive downloads and attunements to enhance your own physical health and wellness and also use the tools to work on a clients.
We live in transformative times and Devi Earth Magic gives you the mystical tools and knowledge to navigate your way through. In the Foundational course you learn how to change your deepest fear into freedom and in this advanced class, you’ll receive a programmed Earth Stone to enhance and amplify physical healing. You’ll also receive an attunement to work in service to others.
While transformation can be a confusing process, it’s made easier when you have magical guidance in the form of a crystal and the Earth Stone to deepen your relationship to Divinity and an awakening planet.
Devi in Sanskrit means Divine Mother Goddess. Earth is our body form where we live. Magic is who we are when we combine them together in a mystery school that is in constant motion to expand your awareness and embody your awakening. This balancing act is what we came onto the planet to do. From the inexperienced to the most seasoned traveler, Devi Earth Magic fits every path along the journey. You’ll soon be working on dimensional levels, learning to optimize your own transformational shift and help others too!
Devi Earth Magic is a high frequency energy modality to enhance, amplify and balance your evolutionary process. Through transmission, downloads, attunements, teaching, and an interactive group process, you'll leave with workable tools and the *knowledge* on how to use them to change your life and the world, for the better.
It is truly advanced methods of working with multi dimensional magic.
In this course please provide your own ‘Earth’ stone to be programmed for your personal use. It’s an invitation to intuitively pick a favored stone or go out walking in nature. Let your intuition guide you to your selection. It should be ordinary rock, smooth and small enough to fit in the palm of your hand like this one below.

🌐 Your payment ensures your registration -- Energy Exchange $75
Prerequisite is Devi Earth Magic School, Foundational Course
Limited IN PERSON at ARC Retreat Community Center in Cambridge MN following strict Covid guidelines.
Your Payment Secures Your Spot
Unearth the unknown, bring it into the light of your conscious awareness to embody your authentic nature.