Whether you are listening to a replay, participating in a live personal or group healing you are experiencing high frequency, advanced energy that deepens awareness as it transforms. 

A few guiding principles may benefit  your experience:

Dress comfortably and be prepared for relaxation.

LOCATION: MDH is a guided meditation style experience, choose a quiet, comfortable location where you won’t be disturbed. An ideal environment may consist of lit candles, and/or incense, for optimum peace. 

POSITION: You may wish to sit up in a comfortable position with spine straight and arms and legs uncrossed. Or if you prefer to lie down, make sure your spine is straight.

HYDRATION: Most of the human body is water, with an average of roughly 60% up to 75%. Quality hydration allows for energy to be received and distributed more effectively.  Please drink plenty of water before and afterwards, throughout the day and the next few days. (Structured water is best.) This energy is very purifying and the water can help flush toxins out of your system that may have been stirred up. 

SOURCE: A sacred interdimensional space is created for a team of Source Intelligence, to meet you and meet your needs.  The Angel Jophiel joins as your personal guide to address dimensional levels of conditioning. Following Divine guidance is an active listening ‘collective’ exercise.  Every session is uniquely different and surrendered to highest and best intention for you, the collective and the world. 

BEST PRACTICE: Let go of all sense of expectation and doing, allowing yourself to just be with whatever is happening. Just open to receive and let the Divine energy do the work. 

When the session is finished if you are in a state of relaxation, you may wish to continue your process undisturbed for as long as it resonates. Do not feel you have to get up or engage right away.


Transformational healing is different for everyone. Evolutionary energy follows a proprietary protocol to clear at quantum and cellular levels for alchemical results. You will be changed. You may be challenged. You may feel refreshed, blissful, calm, peaceful, see visions, fall asleep, get hot or cold, feel pain, memories may arise, discomfort may happen. 

As a positive sign of shifting, some may also experience negative detoxing symptoms in an emotional, psychological, physical, mental or spiritual way. Typically it is temporary, leading you through the other side into the space and freedom beyond the negative conditioning. Practice self care and utilize integrative tools as called.

Don't worry if you don't have any of the above. Each and every session is different. Again remember the BEST PRACTICE of letting go and surrendering to the process. Trust that whatever manifests is exactly what is needed.