Evolutionary -- Relating to the way in which living things develop over the years involving a gradual process of change and development.  

We are in the midst of global growing pains as humanity is challenged to meet growth and embrace it as a compassionate and loving effort of unifying Grace.

Since its inception, Multi Dimensional Healing has been at the forefront of evolutionary energy in service of transformation and embodiment following quantum principles. The Earth has a magnetic field surrounding it and every person affects the global information field and collective human consciousness affects the global information field.  It is that interface, where SOURCE takes us to heal the human karmic conditioning, opening space for global and personal healing to occur in transformative AND embodying ways.

Earthwork a simplified mystery school in support of growth and actualization to realize what lies beyond current understanding: to remember what we've forgotten. Our heritage is born of a Universal sentient power, a life force that animates the world. It was a normal and relational existence for tens of thousands of years before post modern history coopted it. 

Evolutionary transformation is a complete change from the current collective delusion, made up of conditioned consciousness to open the door to a greater intelligent consciousness that pervades everything. Embracing these changes is a reality shift of paradigmal proportions. It deconstructs everything you think you are to embrace what you've always been. Evolutionary embodiment is the personal initiation process of refining transformation with time, effort, awareness and intention.  Intentional awareness is the most powerful force in the universe. It is a conduit for coming together to remember our lost cosmic origins and restore connection as Earthwork. 

To be the change you want to see in the world is to believe you will emerge from the growing pains, into a world where light, unity, integrity and freedom is a shared reality again.

It all starts within. This is the path of an Earthworker.

I chose to be a conduit for magic ages ago. It’s been a miraculous blessing and also brought with it a deep cleansing process.  It was mmy own growing pains system was releasing old karma in the form of a debilitating body stuff. My Lymes came back full force and went into my brain and nervous system to the point of dysregulation.

To be transparent, it was devastating. 

Over lockdown, perhaps even before, I became disabled. Perhaps you noticed the misspellings in my newsletters when I had enough energy to send them out… or how my website was ignored and or the times when I’ve been off, cranky or just plain absent. 

To be clear, not everyone goes through the same ordeal. It was my calling and karma to be in this lifetime and process a lot of karma in this specific way. It's been a wisdom building, learning curve.

  • TRUST: Everything I ever needed just seemed to show up. 
  • FAITH: Magical friends volunteered their time and attention. 
  • ALLOWING: I found myself in gorgeous places of nature to nurture healing.
  • FREEDOM: to rest, be and grow
  • WISDOM: sparking magical insight, awareness and abilities
  • SERVICE: using the growth to surrender, listen, evolve and share it all with a changing world.

Through all this it’s been the (r)evolutionary magic that’s sustained and saved me all these years, asI turn and share it all with you.

First there was 

• Ma Satya. the Tree of Truth - the world tree/tree of life came into being after a prayerful visit with the Saint, Amma Karunamayi in 2012, the embodiment of Divine Mother Love. 

Then there was 

• Devi Earth Magic which bubbled up as I sat on top of a mountain of quartz in Steamboat Colorado in 2018. Devi magic is a force of Divine Consciousness interfacing with Earth Magic as a sacred space for healing and awakening. It’s a process for you to find magic within and use it for your own inner development.

Through it all, the ANGEL JOPHIEL kept showing up. She's been my companion and wise, guiding force for decades. As the angel of illuminating the beauty of God within, she has been an interactive part of every healing. She revealed just how much in the Fall of 2023, telling us that she serves as everyone's personal guide to illuminating beauty. 

-- In every MDH private or group session, you receive an angelic presence to gift and guide you!

Then on the last day of 2023 and the first days of 2024…

• Trinity Essence came forward. It is truly a game changer! It combines all the above into a single focal point of luminescence — the manifesting potential of possibilities! 

It’s turned my life around and resurrected me. I am more grounded, present, alive, clear and joy-filled for the first time in a very long time. It is truly a miracle.

I was formed in the womb knowing only trauma, and Trinity Essence was the tipping point for me. It grounds you in light to illuminate the darkness, transforms it back to balance and reconnects your energy with Earth as a Divine being. It’s truly evolutionary. 

With activation and repetition, grounding becomes Universal. 

As others report back, they feel they are the ground!  

“It brings the alignment of body, mind, spirit in such a way that well-being floods the system and allows deep relaxation to occur. Once there, creativity sparks solutions…. It’s like a reboot of a computer and all of a sudden the operating system is working better.”

Trinity Essence is your pathway and reconnection to the luminescent light of original magic. It is your potential waiting to happen. With activation, it  encourages evolution as it invites you to find the sacred spark within, to find yourself in the light reflecting back to you. It is the Divine and embodied you, leading you to wholeness.

I’m sensing as Trinity unfolds, it will lead us all into Infinity, the next evolution of Multi Dimensional Healing yet to come. 

I can hardly wait. But first things first, to be the change we want to see, as Divine karmic beings yearning to awaken in a growing world, we have some evolving to do.

EARTHWORK to change yourself, change the world

Earthwork invites you to explore, illuminate and awaken to the inner knowing as a Universal being in a world of animated energy. As you begin to broaden your awareness of fundamental principles that shape your life and the world around you, qualities of compassion, empathy and unity naturally arise.

Earthwork encourages you to realize your magic. With every thought word and deed, you are influencing the world around you and determining what comes your way.
Multi DImensional Healing offers a palette of tools and offerings to serve every need. Online groups meet on zoom weekly to assist yout awakening in whatever way it calls to you.

Choose a transformational path and let go of deeply rooted patterns you didn't even know existed to organically create space and freedom for growth in a safe and sacred container.. Expand your bodies universal grounding with an embodiment series. Or combine them both for an intensive immersive experience to quicken and deepen growth. 

This advanced energy work will change you. Download a client form to attend and be prepared with a toolboc of your own to handle awakening symptoms or energetic detoxing.

MDH sessions are unique in that they are formulated by category and themes, and then follow divine guidance for each session energetic outcome. Best practices include to attend and/or listen at a time where you can give your full attention, undisturbed. Then
  1. let go
  2. open up
  3. let the energy do the work

Multi Dimensional Healing evolutionary energies serve the awakening of humanity with continuously updated and upgraded offerings as a mission of Earthwork.  Please review the options below or if this spesk to your spirit and soul...


  • Speed up your process with a combination
  • of both MDH online groups for an impactful way to empower your spiritual progress. 
  • If you are committed to awakening and creating a better world, an energy immersion can advance and enhance your development. 
  • It is recommended to be an advanced practitioner or have a toolbox of energetic detoxing techniques and protocols. 


  • physical imbalances
  • self development
  • spiritual awakening
  • earthwork
A Trinity Essence PERSONAL HEALING is unlike any other. You'll experience an Angel in your heart and energy system for a Divinely guided, light filled session that's intimate and uniquely your own. This is advanced, evolutionary energy that reaches down deep into the roots of imbalances that may be causing physical dis-ease, emotional upheaval, mental tension, spiritual toxicity or .any other forms of stress and unresolved trauma.

Trinity Essence sessions can asisst with

  • Trauma resolution
  • Relationship clearing & building
  • Physical issues
  • Awakening shifts

In person sessions are available by appointment at select locations. Multi Dimensional Healing is a sacred space of light facilitated by an expereience practiioner accessing a quantum field of Divine consciousness... making distance sessions easy and powerful AS IF YOU WERE IN PERSON.

Whether you need deep energizing to recover faster from the repetitive toll of pandemic infections, auto-immune issues, getting over a death or divorce of a loved one, or raising your vibration to expand your consciousness beyond your body -- try Multi Dimensional Healing for a quick session to knock things loose, or book a series of sessions (at discounted cost) for long term benefit


THE BEST thing you can do for a new living space is to clear and bless it. 

Out with the old and in with the new.

Dense energies build up with every single event and experience that ever happened in the dwelling and  on the land.

Clearing the energy is good for maintaining and restore

ing health, balance and vitality. What sets MDH sessions apart from others is the the deep release that gets down into soil, aligning the lei lines of the land and into the molecular cellular levels to removs lingering and toxic energies that have built up in the environment. Physical space, all our artifacts, and the very land itself act like a sponge, absorbing the resonance of all people, circumstance and events that happen. The most common energy that comes to surface to clear, is the negative energy people created in the space both present and past. 

Utilizing the power of Multi Dimensional Healing evolutionary energy easily and deeply clears the negative energy while infusing the area with Divine Blessings to restore health, harmony and balance. Old, stagnant energy is cleared, creating a vacuum for fresh and invigorating energy to freely flow. The space is blessed with Divine nourishment, to become a hub for clarity and positivity to dwell. are transmit. 

Multi Dimensional Healing blend of Divine forces clears negative memory on the astral plane and imprinted consciousness in residential homes, to larger spaces like commercial buildings, parks, land, communities and even sections of cities. In general, the longer the time spent, the deeper and more impactful it will be. Pricing depends both on time and size.acreage.

The *cost of a land, home or space clearing varies depending on the size, contents and land parcel. SCHEDULE a free consultation or CONTACT ME with your questions.

*Pricing depends on the size, time and density of the space you wish to clear. The longer time spent, the deeper it can get into the imprinted consciousness of the material contents influencing a space.

**Travel is billed separately, based on the time it takes and how far I need to travel.

This healing can include dwellings, land and furnishings. Timing varies based on location, age, size of building(s) land area covered, amount of belongings and intention for clearing. Again, the longer time spent, the deeper it works. Travel expenses are separate and remote sessions work just as effectively.

PROCESS: The process is very simple, yet profound. I sit quietly, undisturbed and access the energies for clearing using focused intention and concentration. You can be present for any, all or none of the process. If you are present, please plan on staying quiet and entertaining yourself. I will need to concentrate undisturbed. 

DETAILS: A space clearing is based on ancient principles to energetically cleanse and bless the area where you reside or occupy, whether it is a studio apartment, residential home, farm, mansion, office or community space. Our environments are prime real estate for toxic energies to gather and build up. 

A house clearing and land cleansing clears stuck, stale or imbalanced energies that have accumulated. It's perfect when moving into a new home, selling a house, or for just clearing out the negative energy that's collected within a space and land throughout the years. This deep clearing creates more ‘space’ and freedom. It opens a vacuum for the high frequency energies of Divine Blessings to take residence.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

"Let us work together to create a joyous tomorrow, free from conflict, where religions work together in happiness, peace and love. May the tree of our life be firmly rooted in the soil of love. Let good deeds be the leaves on that tree; may words of kindness form its flowers; may peace be its fruit. Let us grow and unfold as one family, united in love—so that we may rejoice and celebrate our oneness, in a world where peace and contentment prevail." -- Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Legal Disclaimer & Terms 

By reading this, scheduling and/or paying for a Multi Dimensional Healingsession, you are confirming that you have read and understood this Disclaimer and Terms of Service, that you are competent to assess your own needs and freely entering into legally binding agreement with their provisions. Multi Dimensional Healing is a complementary energetic healing tool. This work is not a substitute for physical, mental or emotional advice. Please see a health professional for all medical assessments & treatments. Payment is for time only and not for any specific results or outcomes which can never be guaranteed. Payment to be made in full before each scheduled session and cancellation policy is 24 hour notice or full payment is due.