Group HealingTestimonial
“It is difficult to explain exactly what this is because each person has a different experience. The validation comes from the experiences that happen in the moment and the subtle shifts that occur afterwards. I see a profound change. ...I have experienced quite a few people who do this work. …You get to such a deep level, I can feel the energy moving in and around me while you are leading a session. That is very profound because these were GROUP healings. I am in awe of your skill and know it comes from such a beautiful place. What greater thing can we do in life than heal ourselves?"

Thur, Jan 2, 7-8:30 pm Central
Thur, Feb 13, 7-8:30 pm Central
Thur, March 13, 7-8:30 pm Central
Thur, April 17, 7-8:30 pm Central
Thur, May 15, 7-8:30 pm Central
All times are at 7-8:30 Central / 8-9:30 Eastern and held online on zoom. Visit the WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT page for details on how to be present with this high-frequency work.
Every Universal Grounding builds upon itself to deepen your natural blueprint of a cosmic world. It is an empowering light-filled, high-frequency activation to help you flow with life more easily, gain more clarity, stability and presence in an ever-changing and turbulent environment.
Universal Grounding is integral to ANY path, modality, method or approach to sync up your vibrations to your Core Nature.
Listening to each replay in sequence will strengthen and enhance your human experience and reduce the struggle of being in, on and of this transitional world.
Conscious Creation
A collection of evolutionary energy sessions to help you shift your reality to consciously create your intentions in the flow of Source, spread out over two months to allow for integration.
ONLINE on ZOOM - Feb 9, 23 & 27; March 9, 23 & 30 - 7-8:30 pm Central
- 6 ninety-minute sessions over 60 days
- Recorded Replays
- Special BONUS Content
- 14+ Hours of Divinely Guided Evolutionary Energy
- Earthworker Membership
Every 90-minute session is intuitively channeled from SOURCE INTELLIGENCE following the intention to create a conscious flow. This unique focus is like a prayer answered by the Divine to serve the present moment, the highest good for the personal and collective good of all. The attention to intention tends to mirror the current reality within humanity.
While you'll certainly learn more about manifesting intentions, this is not an educational course, it is an energetic process to reorient to the flow of Source
Conscious Creating Month 1 - February, 2025
Sunday, February 9 & 23
Thur Feb 27 for Integration
All times 7-8:30 pm Central / 8-9:30 pm Eastern
Conscious Creating Month 2 - March, 2025
Sunday, Mar 9 & 23
Sunday, March 30 for Integration
All times 7-8:30 pm Central / 8-9:30 pm Eastern
$155 Sale Price (Reduced from $180)
Live sessions Online On Zoom
BONUS Content
14 hours of Divinely guided evolutionary energy
Recorded replays
*Earthworker Membership
NEW! $111 - Digital Replay Package
6 ninety-minute channeled sessions
BONUS Content
14 hours of Divinely guided evolutionary energy
Recorded replays
*Earthworker Membership
*Current Earthworker Members receive special content and discounts on all series and services

- Religious identity of a fearing God the Father
- Control issues
- Release repressed emoitnal wounds associated with the above
Transforming the Divine Wound restores your blueprints of belonging. Deep, consistent energy work at this level, creates space and freedom for new possibilities to take root and grow for an Embodiment practice. Many particiapnts report increased peace, clarity, compassion, decision making, stability and access to relaxation.
High-frequency activations, and attunements gradually shift your organic form into a crystalline being more suited to the changing cosmic dynamic. Embodimentt. is a restorative process to reestablish Divine blueprints of healthy, balanced, belonging to remember your connection to something greater than you can imagine. Deep, consistent energy work at this level, aligns you with stabilizing grounding, illuminating clarity, and healing grace. Each of the session's work continuously to ceates space and freedom for new possibilities to emerge as a template for growth and Transforming the Divine Wound
Many participants report increased peace, valuable insight, compassion, decision-making, stability and awareness. Consistent participation leads to awakening movements.
April Online Series

- Loss of innocence
- Mistrust of opening the heart
- Release safety issues
Transforming the Divine Wound restores your blueprints of belonging. Deep, consistent energy work at this level, creates space and freedom for new possibilities to take root and grow for an Embodiment practice. Many particiapnts report increased peace, clarity, compassion, decision making, stability and access to relaxation.
High-frequency activations, and attunements gradually shift your organic form into a crystalline being more suited to the changing cosmic dynamic. Embodimentt. is a restorative process to reestablish Divine blueprints of healthy, balanced, belonging to remember your connection to something greater than you can imagine. Deep, consistent energy work at this level, aligns you with stabilizing grounding, illuminating clarity, and healing grace. Each of the session's work continuously to ceates space and freedom for new possibilities to emerge as a template for growth and Transforming the Divine Wound
Many participants report increased peace, valuable insight, compassion, decision-making, stability and awareness. Consistent participation leads to awakening movements.
- Regular - $90
- Earthworker discount - $65
- Regular - $145
- Earthworker discount - $130
- Regular - $240
- Earthworker discount - $175
- Online groups are offered as single sessions or more effectively as a monthly series with a BONUS integration session, recorded replays and FREE Earthworker Membership for future discounts.
March Schedule
Meets online on Zoom every Tuesday
7-8:30pm Central
March 4, 11,18, 25 & Sun 30 for Integration
Wether online or in-person, a Multi Dimensional Healing session serves your needs. An ANGEL joins you to personally assist your experience. We are guided by 'Source' a team of Divine Consciousness beings of the highest order following intentions, with TRINITY ESSENCE as the latest in our evolutionary toolbox.
By Intelligent design, the powerful transformation sessions are designed to illuminate, transmute, transfigure and alchemize the root levels of your deepest challenges. It is truly collective work. Your past Self joins your future Self in a space between worlds in alignment and service to the planet's awakening. The results are often profound.. Hidden patterns come into awareness following a multidimensional light infuesed energy process to clear subconscious level imbalances associated with emotional repression and transform them into possibility and potential.
"I have been working with Bette off and on for over five years, with dramatic results... Over time, Bette and I have addressed and healed many aspects and imbalances, with the result of being able to engage more fully and be present to my life.
~ Client Review
Healing can be hard when we don't fully comprehend our dimensional nature.
To truly understand yourself, is to realize your own Divine origins woven into the thread of the concept of time and how it relates to shaping a particular behavior from the moment the behavior occurred, to seconds and minutes before, to days and weeks before, back to adolescence, childhood, infancy, to the time you spent in your mother’s womb, to your cellular memory, to the culture in which you live, to your ancestors’ patterns and culture, your karmic history, and beyond.
We WONDER why we’re stuck, blocked, sick, tired, out of sorts, foggy, and imbalanced when we’re only getting a partial picture. Expanding awareness to see that we are vibrational Beings of cosmic origins, living a very karmic human life on a transformational planet, helps us resolve the *hidden* roots of our unhealed issues
If you’re into growing your Self awareness, and think healing is a challenging, yet rewarding adventurous exploration, this approach is for you as we follow SOURCE as it expertly transforms our unseem conditioning on ALL LEVELS. They target your unconscious karmic, genetic, and, collective patterns as they relate to your healing evolution. In general, it also closely follows the planets needs because YOU are woven into its vibrational web of life. With the Divine intervention, together, we are restoring WHoleness, health and much needed harmony.
Many folks choose a transformation healing for
- improve health and energy
- health challenges
- deep issue work
- trauma release
- break free of family cycles
- clear karmic programming
- transmute limiting beliefs
- awaken out of separation
- heal into wholeness
- align with potential
- activate possibilities
- be the change in the world

EMBODYING PRESENCE meets online every other Sunday, 7-8:30pm Central.
- Online groups are offered as a monthly series with a BONUS integration session, recorded replays and a FREE Earthworker Membership with future discounts.
This evolutionary energy is a dynamic collective evolutionary process following quantum principles which support the planet's healing as you heal. Each session is Divinely guided following a chosen theme as it best suits humanity. Every month is different. Every session is unique. Every session has the Angel Jophiel to support your needs.
Meets online every other Sunday
7-8:30pm Central
March 2, 16 and 30 for Integration
Defining embodiment in spiritual terms is simply being present and at ease with moment to moment uncertainty and groundlessness. It is fully embodied presence, with no separation between the mind, heart, body, earth and the context of our lived experience — letting openness and not knowing, deconstruct our version of reality.
To embody your presence as an organic process, we let the DIvine guide us in each shift to deepen the universal tide of life and reconnect with the Natural Order of things. You're supported in a sacred space where SOURCE infused Trinity Essence leads you towards truth in alignment with Universal Laws of wholeness and Oneness. It is a clearing of forgotten illusions of 'how things should be' to open up and remember the potential of what CAN be, and is...
Every session is an awakening to align with, attune to and build up embodiment with your core Nature following a monthly theme.
To embody your Presence is a gift you give to yourself, to everyone in your life and to the planet.
Trinity embodiment advances universal grounding to build coherence to dynamic principles of balance, harmony and unity consciousness. Every session builds upon the next one in support of spiritual development and growth.
"Bette's gifts are real, and ever-evolving. This has been extremely helpful work, and I am most grateful."
- Client Testimonial
Our Earthworker mission establishes a new vision for a kinder, gentler, more transparent planet, one person, one group, one community at a time.
Learn more about WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT from a MDH healing.
30 Day Energy Immersion Intensive

Sunday’s February, 9, 23 & Thur, 27
Plus Bonus Sessions
Here's what people are saying...
“This session subtly smoothed away some rough edges and untangled knots that were surprising. I feel relaxation in ways and places that I didn't even know I needed.”
"Just wanted to say thank you for all you do! I have such self awareness and self reflection these days. I’m growing exponentially and it feels amazing! So much weight has been lifted off my shoulders. ,,,Thank you for being an instrumental part of my breakthroughs and successes. Before I met you last august I was on the couch daily being sick and truly a victim and now I am able to see that so clearly. If it wasn’t for you I would have never got my ass (pardon me) off the couch and started back at fulfilling my dreams."
“Awareness of so many life patterns flooded my mind. Afterword the loving support and recalibrating of the whole body could be felt everywhere! I truly believe huge shifts have happened!“
You are not alone. The Divine is with you at all times. Get more Divine support with a FREE EARTHWORKER MEMBERSHIP!
Please accept this valuable membership as a gift for the inner work you are doing. Transformational work changes the planet, and those on a path of shifting and clearing can use extra help to enhance your journey..
The membership includes a PRIVATE WEBSITE PAGE to access the following perks:
- instant discounts on all future groups and services
- Self guided energetic content to integrate shifts and support your changing energy system
- Articles, tips, advice
The Earthworker community recognizes that the planet is changing and as Earthlings, we are changing along with her. Here, you will find the kind of support to encourage growth and inner development compiled for personal empowerment. It is all DIVINE orchestrated assistance to guide the way to wisdom fto embody a better you in a better world.
With an Earthworker Membership, get access to a private page with EXCLUSIVE content.
Here, you'll find powerful energetic replays ALIVE with lifeforce to...
- Transform Hidden Resistance - clear and transform patterns of resistance to get unstuck.
- Calming Emotional Overwhelm: soothing energetics to ease stress, regulate and stabilize emotional overwhelm
- Healing the Body of Illness - strengthen the body and immune system from virus infections like Covid
- Self Sabotage: assists in clearing the root of the issue "I am inherently bad"
- Thyroid Health: Energizing your thyroid is a gateway to both physical and metaphysical health.
- Regulating Your Nervous System: profoundly calm stress with advanced energetics
- Planetary Puja to neutralize negative influences. Don't let the retrogrades get you down.
- Energize Your PSOAZ Muscle for Better Health: Soothing this muscle is a key component to reduce tension.
- Recharging the VAGUS NERVE: aids rest, digestion, mental health among many other benefits.
- Boost Your Immune System helps you recover from infections and dis-ease.
- Advanced Integration: Perfect for easing any and all shift symptoms
- and so , so, so much more!
Listen to what Earthworker's are saying..
"Wow. What a powerful session. Right away I felt my guide come in...I had tears streaming down my face. It felt needed and good. I felt a complete and embodied sensation in my body. It was so calm and peaceful. I look forward to a great night's sleep tonight! Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this work! I feel so blessed to do these sessions with you.
-- Earthworker Review
The Solstice Angels joined with Divine Mother Shakti & Master Healer Shiva energies for a powerful and impactful grounding activation and attunement.
You’ll feel fear fall away as it transforms unhealed patterns related to ancient conditioning in
- ancestral/genetic
- incarnational/past life history
- personal experience
- collective humanity
The session asks you to explore, what you most fear right now and give it to the Divine to transform and clear away.

Sunday Morning Celebration
Featured Presenter
It is a challenging and yet curious time to be a human on the planet right now.
The earth is waking up, inviting and encouraging us to wake up. It doesn't have to be so hard.
In this featured dialogue with the Circle of Miracles community in Pennsylvania, you'll learn more about what it takes to be an Earthworker with access to the energetic support you need to not just survive but thrive in changing times.
In this session replay, you'll also recieve an energy healing.
More testimonials...
“I am so thankful that you are continuing this work. I just feel it is what is steering us through all these changes and adjustments we are making to move into the new world being created. I feel so hopeful for human kind and this beautiful planet we share.”
“I was crying and releasing tightness in my left hip for most of the session. ...and yesterday I showed up like I have never shown up before. I felt very aligned with my truth - saying what needed to be said with kindness and compassion and not being judgmental or anxious about the response or reaction. Everything just flowed with love, so thank you for offering this trauma release work! I know it's transforming me. “
"I am amazed how much lighter I feel. It's like I was walking around engulfed in a dark cloud and now it is gone. ... The difference it’s made in my life is really accelerating the healing process.”
“Doing this work has brought me into a place in my life where I can face difficult life situations and feel strong enough to work through them.”
Here's what people are saying ...
“I just wanted to say thank you. I’ve been removing so much just in the last few weeks. Although it has been difficult it has been beautiful. Last night’s was amazing.”
“Feeling like there was a great shift/release. And last night I slept better than I've slept in a long time! So thank you! You are very gifted at what you do and I am blessed to be a part of this group. I can't wait to see what the next few sessions bring.”
“After the sessions, I have had greater peace in my life! Although we weren’t physically together during the sessions, I felt Bette energetically by my side every step of the way, as a loving connection & witness to the Divine Source.”

- Square
- PayPal
- Venmo: see above scan code or @Bette-Hanson
- ZellePay: App Link mdhealing@icloud.com
“We are all just walking each other home.” ~ Ram Dass
Legal Disclaimer & Terms
By reading this, scheduling and/or paying for a session, you are confirming that you have read and understood this Disclaimer and Terms of Service, that you are competent to assess your own needs and freely entering into legally binding agreement with their provisions. Multi Dimensional Healing is a complementary energetic healing tool. This work is not a substitute for medical, psychological or emotional advice or treatment. Please consult your physician for medical or psychological issues in addition to any follow up treatment needed.
Payment is for time only and not for any specific results or outcomes which can never be guaranteed. Payment to be made in full before each scheduled session and cancellation policy is 24 hour notice or full payment is due.